Day 14. A picture of someone who inspires you.
Ok, again, another tough answer to choose. I have been inspired at various points in my life by quite a number of people: my parents, mainly, and my grandfather for his dedication to preaching the Word of God. I am inspired by the men and women who so bravely put on the uniform of the US military and sacrifice so much, as do their families, in order to protect and preserve the principles on which our great nation was founded.
Last July my family and I had the privelege of attending the Defending the Faith 2010 conference hosted by Answers in Genesis. One of the keynote speakers during the week was Dr. Voddie Baucham, a powerful Bible-believing, apologetics gold-mine of truth and defenses for the hope that is within us. He was one of the best speakers I have ever heard (and the Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to hear and study under some of the most incredible public speakers/preachers) and his presentations were so amazing as he broke down more complex terms and concepts into an easily understood and retained message.
One of my favorite talks by Dr. Baucham is "Why I Choose to Believe the Bible". Definitely click on the link - it takes you to SermonAudio.com where you can listen for free to many of Voddie's sermons and also read the transcripts of the messages (if they are available). I'm hoping to share this particular sermon with my unsaved coworker as it clearly breaks down why we can/should believe in the Bible. None of this "Well, that's how I was raised" or "I tried it and it works for me" garbage! We can readily defend the Word of God's accuracy and validity as the infallible Word of God, penned by over 40 authors who were divinely inspired through the Holy Spirit, describing historically accurate events, delivering prophecy which was, or in some cases, has yet to be fulfilled, and is the account of many eyewitnesses.
Thank God for blessing us with men like Dr. Voddie Baucham who have devoted their time, education and ministry to defending the Christian faith and God's Word and ministering to other Christians that they may be equipped to do likewise in their daily lives.
"Awake my soul, awake my soul
Awake my soul
You were made to meet your maker"
("Awake My Soul", Mumford & Sons)
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