Day 13. A picture of your favorite band or artist.
Sigh. These answers get more and more difficult to answer. I have a wide plethora of musical appreciation and generally, I like a little bit from every where. This made it quite an arduous task to pick my absolute favorite musician, the one that touches me the most and brings a rush of feelings and sensory memories to me when I hear their music. That person, ladies and gentlemen, is Antonio Vivaldi. If his name does not seem familiar to you, then perhaps you will recognize Vivaldi's Four Seasons, particularly Spring. If not then for heaven's sake and your own, go educate yourself post haste!
I probably have such a strong love and appreciation for his music because I grew up listening to a musical tape called "Vivaldi's Ring of Mystery" which incorporated many of Vivald's musical pieces into a fictional story that took place in Venice at the Ospedale della Pieta, a home for abandoned children where Vivaldi actually worked. The story was right up my alley as a kid and I fell in love with violin music and string ensembles. My favorite piece is Vivaldi's Four Seasons: Winter II Largo. So beautiful it makes your heart hurt from wishing that you could reach out and have a part of that beauty.
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