Just a Small Town Girl...

Hey there, welcome to Peach Tea & Passports, two of my favorite things. Peach tea is a Godsend and have passport, will travel!
Poke around and get inside my head as far as I've allowed...I promise I don't bite unless provoked.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Day 25. A picture of your day.

My sisters have scolded me for being delinquent in my blog entries. Apparently having a full-time job, helping around the house upon arriving home in the evening and exercising regularly is inconsequential when compared to maintaining a blog!

Anyhow - here is a picture of my Resurrection Sunday which was yesterday. My beautiful sisters and handsome, sweet youngest brother. We missed our other two brothers and darling sister-in-law but had a great day with our family and friends.

Thank You, Lord, for sending Your Son to die on the cross for our sins and be raised from the dead so we might have salvation and an eternity in heaven by believing on Him!

He is risen, indeed!

"Raise your joys and triumphs high
Sing ye heavens and earth reply
-Christ the Lord is Risen Today

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Right Now

Day 24. A picture of something you wish you could change.

I'd change all of the bad decisions I made in the past so that my current and future relationships were devoid of baggage and more deserving of the love and sacrifice shown to me by people I love.

This picture was taken at the laundromat by Bayonne's A&P during our youth group's 2009 scavenger hunt. We had to take a photo of at least one team member in front of a laundromat (we managed to cleverly fit all six of us into the photo and I think it came out great!). All in all, it was a difficult time but such an amazing day. God's patience and grace was very evident.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We Will Slay the Dragons

Day 23. A picture of your favorite book.

The Bible. Nothing more needs be said.

BUT - it would be a kind of boring post if I didn't say any more than that, right?

Well, the Bible is my favorite book and by far the most important in the world. I do, however, enjoy reading Charles Dickens ("Our Mutual Friend" is my favorite), Agatha Christie, Mark Twain ("The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"...one of my favorite books EVER), "The Man Who Was Thursday" by GK Chesterton, George Orwell's "1984" and "Animal Farm" and scads more. I've loved reading since I was like 3 years old (my mom says I learned to read so early because she could not devote enough time in the day to read to me so I learned in order to read for myself lol)...I've enjoyed having mom read the Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings and Little House on the Prairie series to us as a family (many more books, too but these series stand out in particular) and I plan on passing my love of reading down to any kids the Lord gives me.

"I'll read him stories

From picture books all

Filled with wonder

Magic worlds where the impossible

Becomes the everyday

We'll find a mountaintop

And some moonbeams to sit under

I'll lead because I know the way"

("Stories", from Beauty and The Beast: The Enchanted Christmas)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Day 22. A picture of something you wish you were better at.

I want to be better at learning my languages!! I've been taking Spanish on and off since high school and recently started learning Russian through the Rosetta Stone program and Early Advantage's Muzzy program. Practice makes perfect...but I am convinced that the best and quickest way to learn a language is through immersion. Oh well, I'm trying!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Lord Turn His Face Toward You

Day 21. A picture of something you wish you could forget. This picture is from Thanksgiving 2007, just months before my dad was severely impaired due to medical issues and problems caused by a myriad of medicines blithely prescribed by doctors. In the 19-20 months that followed the initial, severe episode at the beginning of 2008 our family underwent many difficult days and tests of our faith, patience and love for one another. Thanks be to God for His faithfulness and provision for each of us through His people all over the world, but especially those in our church, and in the many miracles that He allowed us to witness, whether they were in the way He provided for our needs or in working medical miracles that none of us thought were possible in the timespan in which He answered our prayers. So happy that my dad is even better than 100% now! I love you, Daddy <3
"The Lord bless you and keep you

The Lord make His face shine upon you

And give you peace, and give you peace

And give you peace forever"

("Barocha", Michael Card)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Frightened of This Thing That I've Become

Day 20. A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel. This may sound silly but right before I traveled to Italy with my brothers and grandparents, I watched a Disney film called "A Far Off Place" about a girl who lives in Africa, a snobby city-boy visitor and a native African friend who are abandoned when their families are killed by poachers. I was completely taken in by the scenery and the idea of traveling in Africa to feel that sense of freedom and life that is so evident in the rhythm of their music and nature. Combine that experience with the fact that I love Toto's "Africa", which served as my personal theme song during the Italy trip, and I devised this plan in which it became one of my goals and hopes in life to go to South Africa and climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Only time and God's will can tell if I shall ever recognize this dream, but it's a pretty cool idea if you ask me. I'm still looking for the person who is willing to embark on such adventure with me.

"I hear the drums echoing tonight

But he hears only whispers of some quiet conversation

He's coming in 12:30 flight

The moonlight wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation

I stopped an old man along the way

Hoping to find some old, forgotten words or ancient melodies

He turned to me as if to say, 'Hurry girl, it's waiting there for you'

It's gonna take a lot to take me away from you

There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do

I bless the rains down in Africa

Gonna take some time to do the things we never have"

("Africa", Toto)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Winter Winds

Day 19. A picture and a letter.

I knew that I would use this picture for today as soon as I saw the description. This is probably one of my favorite pictures ever and I took it with a crummy little digital camera!

Story: I was taking pictures of things that looked like letters so I could spell out the names of my family members and frame the pictures to give as Christmas presents this past year. (I had no clue that apparently this was a seasonal hot item as Oprah had featured a similar idea on her show.) I got the idea from the Alphabet Photography website but it was far too expensive to order the professional photos and frames so I opted to take my own pictures and scour department stores for frames with enough space to hold between 5 and 9 5x6 photos!

I was walking along on my lunch hour and taking pictures of just about everything. I stood up from where I was squatting on the ground to get a great picture of the letter 'H' in a garbage can (hehe) and BAM! I saw the most brilliant letter 'B' formed by these tree branches when I stood in just the right angle to get this clear perspective. I edited it only a little with Picasa to make the picture B&W and put the center in focus and blur the edges (there's a tennis court and fences in the background anyhow and I wanted the tree and 'B' to stand out as much as possible). So pleased with this and I'm pretty sure my sister (who has a 'B' in her name and therefore received this picture in her frame) loved it, too. <3 One of my best and most fun present ideas ever! Now I have to top it for this coming Christmas....

"And if your strife strikes at your sleep

Remember spring swaps snow for leaves

You'll be happy and wholesome again

When the city clears and sun ascends"

("Winter Winds", Mumford & Sons)

Bridal March

Day 18. A picture of something you want to do before you die.

I really want to marry my special guy, wherever/whoever it is and have a beautiful, Christ-centered family together where we can minister for the Lord together and be head-over-heels in love with one another.

That's not too much to ask, right?

Ever, Ever After

Day 17. A picture of something that has made a huge impact in your life recently.

My brother and sister-in-law. Their relationship over the last few years has been a true example of a couple waiting on God's timing, loving one another whole-heartedly and keeping God the center of their relationship and decisions. Their marriage is such as beautiful picture of how a husband should love, adore, protect and provide for his wife and how a wife should love, adore, take care of and show respect in every way for her husband. They are too cute together and God has really used them to bless the family and friends around them. I miss them tons but am so proud of them both and thankful for the love God has given them!

Storybook endings, fairy tales coming true

Deep down inside we want to believe they still do

And a secret is taught, it's our favorite part of the story

Let's just admit we all want to make it, too

Ever ever after

If we just don't get it our own way

Ever ever after

It may only be a wish away"

("Ever Ever After", Carrie Underwood)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Running in Circles, Chasing Our Tails

Day 16. A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.

This question made me kind of sad. People come and go. I've lost a lot of 'friends' that I was once very close to and for a variety of reasons, God didn't allow those friendships to continue. It sounds cliche to say "Friends may come and go but Jesus is always there" because most of the time, the person telling you that is a little too bubbly and perky and ignoring the fact that even though this is true, it is still pretty painful when we lose people close to us.

Take it from someone who feels very keenly the loss of people and relationships that were important to me and played a big role in how God developed me into who I am today - it hurts but God does have a plan for those relationships. He may have placed someone in your path and meant for your souls to be touched by one another at just the right time and only for that short period of time. You don't know the impact He has allowed you to have on the people who pass in and out of your life. Don't take for granted the people you can laugh with and cry to today because maybe they won't be there in the morning. Enjoy the time you have now, thank God for them constantly, and show them how much they mean to you.

"Nobody said it was easy

It's such a shame for us to part

Nobody said it was easy

No one ever said it would be this hard

Oh, take me back to the start"

("The Scientist", Coldplay)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Could You Fall for Me?

Day 15. A picture of your biggest insecurity.

My stomach. Ha, that wasn't hard! I gain weight easily in my middle - I've never had a good stomach in terms of being toned and hourglass shaped in my middle. I don't walk around in baggy clothes or holding strategically-placed objects over my torso, but I do feel a little annoyed sometimes when I'm around other girls who enjoy flaunting their tiny waists and tight tummies. I confess, that at times it makes me hope God gives them tripulets to mess with that great physique.

"She looks in the mirror But the makeup it don't hide the pain Yeah, she swore that the last time Was the last time she'd fall again, fall again" ("Nothing to Lose", Bret Michaels)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Where You Invest Your Love, You Invest Your Life

Day 14. A picture of someone who inspires you.

Ok, again, another tough answer to choose. I have been inspired at various points in my life by quite a number of people: my parents, mainly, and my grandfather for his dedication to preaching the Word of God. I am inspired by the men and women who so bravely put on the uniform of the US military and sacrifice so much, as do their families, in order to protect and preserve the principles on which our great nation was founded.

Last July my family and I had the privelege of attending the Defending the Faith 2010 conference hosted by Answers in Genesis. One of the keynote speakers during the week was Dr. Voddie Baucham, a powerful Bible-believing, apologetics gold-mine of truth and defenses for the hope that is within us. He was one of the best speakers I have ever heard (and the Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to hear and study under some of the most incredible public speakers/preachers) and his presentations were so amazing as he broke down more complex terms and concepts into an easily understood and retained message.

One of my favorite talks by Dr. Baucham is "Why I Choose to Believe the Bible". Definitely click on the link - it takes you to SermonAudio.com where you can listen for free to many of Voddie's sermons and also read the transcripts of the messages (if they are available). I'm hoping to share this particular sermon with my unsaved coworker as it clearly breaks down why we can/should believe in the Bible. None of this "Well, that's how I was raised" or "I tried it and it works for me" garbage! We can readily defend the Word of God's accuracy and validity as the infallible Word of God, penned by over 40 authors who were divinely inspired through the Holy Spirit, describing historically accurate events, delivering prophecy which was, or in some cases, has yet to be fulfilled, and is the account of many eyewitnesses.

Thank God for blessing us with men like Dr. Voddie Baucham who have devoted their time, education and ministry to defending the Christian faith and God's Word and ministering to other Christians that they may be equipped to do likewise in their daily lives.

"Awake my soul, awake my soul

Awake my soul

You were made to meet your maker"

("Awake My Soul", Mumford & Sons)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Antonio Vivaldi

Day 13. A picture of your favorite band or artist.

Sigh. These answers get more and more difficult to answer. I have a wide plethora of musical appreciation and generally, I like a little bit from every where. This made it quite an arduous task to pick my absolute favorite musician, the one that touches me the most and brings a rush of feelings and sensory memories to me when I hear their music. That person, ladies and gentlemen, is Antonio Vivaldi. If his name does not seem familiar to you, then perhaps you will recognize Vivaldi's Four Seasons, particularly Spring. If not then for heaven's sake and your own, go educate yourself post haste!

I probably have such a strong love and appreciation for his music because I grew up listening to a musical tape called "Vivaldi's Ring of Mystery" which incorporated many of Vivald's musical pieces into a fictional story that took place in Venice at the Ospedale della Pieta, a home for abandoned children where Vivaldi actually worked. The story was right up my alley as a kid and I fell in love with violin music and string ensembles. My favorite piece is Vivaldi's Four Seasons: Winter II Largo. So beautiful it makes your heart hurt from wishing that you could reach out and have a part of that beauty.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Storm is Closing In...

Day 12. A picture of something you love.

I love storms. They are beautiful and majestic and such a reminder of what an awesome God we have. Even with His omnipotence and holiness He takes the time to think about ME. Seriously. All of the other things that people would think "hmm, God probably devotes extra time to thinking about third-world hunger, genocide, widows and orphans"....yeah, those might cause Him a particular kind of sadness, but He still spends time thinking about me. He has ME on His mind! And if I was the only person to ever walk the face of this planet and exist in this universe, Jesus would still have come to die so I could have eternal life by believing on Him as my Lord and Savior. Absolutely, spectacularly amazing!

This picture is of a splinter-cell storm with a shelf cloud in the forefront of the picture. Sean Heavey is a photographer and took several pictures in Glasgow, Montana which gained a lot of attention after one of them was entered into a National Geographic contest. I love experiencing a powerful storm and I love looking at this breathtaking pictures!

"So many times it seems, I'm out on my own

Then I think how close You are and I'm sure, I'm never alone

So when I feel I'm overcome and there's no way to get free

I just call Your name and then, You're there with me

You're there with me

You'll never be alone

That's what I tell myself every night

You're never on your own

Though it's hard to see, that there is a light

You'll never be alone

It's what I tell myself every day

Just when I need a friend, You're always there

And I can feel You leading the way

When the storm is closing in and I'm alone in the dark

I remember that You're near and never far apart

So when the winds start to blow and I'm afraid of what will be

I just call Your name and then, You're there with me

You're there with me"

("You'll Never Be Alone", James Covell)