Day 4. A picture of your favorite night.
I have so many special memories: walking through a torchlight, 1,000 year-old abbey in the Italian countryside, listening to an orchestra at night in St. Mark's Square in Venice, numerous bonfires on autumnal youth group retreats, running through Disney World at night on a scavenger hunt with my family
(minus Jack! What horrible parents haha), clapping to Spanish folk song tunes played by La Tuna at midnight in Santiago de Compostela...God has richly blessed me! And I've just realized that many of my favorite memories are at night hehe!
But this night stands out for so many fun reasons. First off: March 17, 2007 ended up being a blizzard. Kelly lives about 40 minutes away and had invited us to her 18th birthday party. Also invited were her family and friends, some of whom live just a few minutes away from her. This crazy crew
(me, my two brothers and our two pals - the ones on the extreme right and left in the back row of the picture) were the only ones who showed up...that's how bad this weather was!
On our drive out to the party
(which took twice as long as usual because we needed to drive extra slow), we passed a car that got buried before our eyes for trying to drive in the shoulder to pass a snow plow. I don't recall laughing so hard in a car. EVER.
Once we actually got to Kel's
(and found out that we were the only people who braved the weather despite the fact that we lived the furthest away lol), we started the night off with some Balderdash and a brief snowball fight. We quickly realized that the weather was not getting better, just worse, and there was a big chance that we would not be going home that night.
Time-out here: you have to know that the weather report mentioned a small possibility of snow and Kelly and I had joked to each other about possibly getting snowed-in and having a sleepover. In fact, as an act of faith I brought a pair of undies in my purse just in case! Talk about God answering some silly prayers that we don't actually need and that are not truly important in anyone else's estimation =)
Back to the awesomest night of the decade: there was reading from
How to be a Lady in which we discovered that not only does "A lady not dither over paying the check" but a proper lady does not "provoke a dog to bark". Ooops. At some point Kelly did Joey's make-up, Josh's hair and Tommy's nails. There was throwing of swedish fish candies, my first win in a game of chess
(granted, it was at 5am and it has yet to happen again), Mr. L walking into the living room and shaking his head in resigned disturbance over Tommy's nails and then walking out, Josh having nappy-hair, Joey looking like a transvestite with that scary eyeliner and mascara and Josh having swedish fish grills in his teeth while wearing shades. We attempted to stay up the entire night and mostly succeeded...Dave was a party pooper and didn't join in our fun. Somehow he fell asleep before 1am and slept through everything
(in fact, he was still sleeping when we departed between 7 and 9am the next morning). Joey gave up the ghost in the later hours of Saturday morning and Jackie fell asleep on the car ride home claiming he thought the contest was only going on while we were at Kelly's house. I like to think I won as I stayed up even after getting home until I was convinced Tommy, Josh and Kelly were probably napping but I guess we'll never know.
One of my favorite memories and best nights ever!
"Woo-ee-oo I look just like Buddy Holly
Oh oh, and you're Mary Tyler Moore
I don't care what they say about us anyway
I don't care 'bout that!"
("Buddy Holly", Weezer)